If you have ever lost your car keys, you know how frustrating it can be to try and get into your vehicle. You may even consider having to call a tow truck to take you home. But did you know that you can actually program your car key yourself? In this blog post, Stronghold locksmith will show you how to do just that. So if you have ever misplaced your car keys, don’t worry our Locksmith Windsor will help you out!
Today, the majority of drivers drive around with electronic car keys, which is a significant change from just a few decades ago, when practically anybody with technical know-how could start up an automobile by wiring it up and using a screwdriver. Even today, most automobiles require the appropriate computer chip to be able to start.
In some cases, you don’t even need to insert the key in order to start your car. On many contemporary vehicle models, the presence of an electronic fob is enough to operate a push-button ignition. This is fantastic news for automobile owners, as it means that today’s vehicles are much harder to steal than previous generations. Electronic keys, on the other hand, introduce new elements that may be pricey and require special programming if you want them yourself. If you can do the task yourself, you will save both time and money by not having to go to the dealership.
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Programming a Car Key
There are a few ways to program car keys. The first way is by buying an electronic key programmer, which you can find at most auto parts stores or online. The second way is to use the valet key that came with your vehicle. The third and final way is to take your car to the dealership and have them program it for you. Whichever method you choose, there are a few simple steps that you will need to follow in order to successfully program your car key:
- First, make sure that both the ignition and the door of the car are closed.
- Next, insert your key into the ignition and turn it from “off” to “on.” Do not start the engine! Hold down the brake pedal while doing this.
- Now, press the programming button on your electronic key fob. If you are using the valet key, you will need to find the hidden switch that is usually located near the steering column.
- Turn off the car and remove the key from the ignition.
- The final step is to test out your new key! Try locking and unlocking the car door with it. Make sure that it starts up your vehicle as well. If everything works correctly, congratulations you have successfully programmed your car key!
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What If It Doesn’t Work?
If for some reason your new key doesn’t work, go through these steps again and make sure that you followed them correctly. Double-check to ensure that both the ignition and door of the car are closed while you are trying to program the key. If you are still having trouble, it may be best to take your car to the dealership and have them program the key for you or contact our Locksmith Windsor to help you with the job.
We hope that this blog post by our Locksmith Windsor has been helpful in showing you how to program a car key! Stay tuned for more posts like this one in the future. Thanks for reading!